Quando estamos crescendo estamos recebendo estímulos o dia inteiro, seja na escola, comendo em casa ou na praia, e para lidar com tudo isso tem que ter cabeça, ou melhor, um cérebro! Nessa series de ilustrações é demostrando o que se passa dentro do corpo de uma criança durante o seu dia, usando técnicas mescladas de modelagem 3D, manipulação de imagem e uma palheta de cor sincera é sintetizado o corpo humano de uma forma didática.
When we are growing up, we are receiving stimuli all day long, whether at school, eating at home, or at the beach, and to deal with all this one must have a head, or rather, a brain! This series of illustrations demonstrates what goes on inside the body of a child during their day, using mixed techniques of 3D modeling, image manipulation, and a sincere color palette to synthesize the human body in a didactic way.
When we are growing up, we are receiving stimuli all day long, whether at school, eating at home, or at the beach, and to deal with all this one must have a head, or rather, a brain! This series of illustrations demonstrates what goes on inside the body of a child during their day, using mixed techniques of 3D modeling, image manipulation, and a sincere color palette to synthesize the human body in a didactic way.